Friday, June 13, 2008

Hello everyone...I am glad you are enjoying my sojourn. And while I know this blog is in cyberspace and all and sundry can view it, I also know how difficult it is to track down a random blog amongst the gazillion of them out there. So it comes a huge surprise that my ex has embarked on a quest to find it with help from someone I have long considered a friend. I wonder are you aware of the damage you have caused Andy. This blog - to all intents an purposes - was put here primarily for the people who I work with, who I socialise with , most importantly my much loved family and those members of cyberspace that are interested in where I have journeyed for the sheer joy of travelling. I gave the address to those people that I thought had those motives in mind. So it irks me that it is now being used by Steve as a means to gather ammo to try and take the kids from my custody on my return... , and as shameful as it is, even trying while I am away. I hope the resistance you encountered from my wonderful family and friends shows you what true friendship is really about. So Steve these words are for you. You can stop hounding my family, and your children for my whereabout now. They have enough to deal with , seeing as mum ( a woman that has showered you with nothing but kindness and love for over 25 years) is on a heart/lung machine and your badgering them is dispicable. I'm sorry if my having a little joy in my life has irritated you. But really, none of this should be part of your world anymore anyway. Please back away and live your life, as I wish to do with mine. And while there is so much more to be said, I will leave this here with words that were written in a little girls autograph book probably 32 years ago by a man that treated you with the utmost respect and love until the day he died.... my dad." Your life lies before you like a path of untrodden snow... be careful how you tread it, for every mark will show."I am at peace with the marks behind me and I'm pressing forward trying to leave a mark I will be proud of when I look back on this place.... I wonder Steve, looking back on all those years and at how you have done and are treating me and the kids these days, can you say the same?You have taken on a whole new life now, you have a new family unit, that I hope the mistakes of the past will not be repeated on. Live your life Steve, I don't have to ask your permission to travel (it is not a hanging offence), and I am so tired of worrying what you will do to us next.

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